Kunst Painting
Business and Investment
Contact information
Phone(415) 457-0100
Address 112 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael, California, USA 94903
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Kunst Painting
Business and InvestmentContact information
Phone(415) 457-0100
Address 112 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael, California, USA 94903
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Painting Services Sonoma County
We are the qualified Painting Services provider inĀ Sonoma County.Tackling Your Interior & Exterior Painting Needs. We are here to provide the professional home painting services you deserve. We handle everything from home interiors to commercial exteriors.
Founded 1958
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Dry wall contractor
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Paint stripping service
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- Contractor
- Dry wall contractor
- Paint stripping service
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Kunst Painting
Business and Investment
Contact information
Phone(415) 457-0100
Address 112 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael, California, USA 94903
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Q: (Traduit par Google) Quelle est la diffĆ©rence entre les peintures Ć l'huile et Ć l'eau (acrylique, latex) ? Utilisez-vous encore des peintures Ć lāhuile ? (Original) What is the difference between oil- and water-based (acrylic, latex) paints? Do you still use oil based paints?
(Traduit par Google) De nombreuses peintures Ć base d'huile ont Ć©tĆ© retirĆ©es du marchĆ© pour des applications architecturales, car les gens recherchent une teneur plus faible en solvants et en COV (composĆ©s organiques volatils) dans les formules de peinture pour des raisons environnementales. Les peintures Ć base d'eau d'aujourd'hui, Ć©galement connues sous le nom de peintures au latex et acryliques (ce sont les ingrĆ©dients qui lient la peinture Ć la surface), offrent une rĆ©sistance Ć l'humiditĆ©, Ć la moisissure, une flexibilitĆ©, une soliditĆ© des couleurs et une rĆ©sistance au blocage. La rĆ©sistance au blocage signifie qu'il ne colle pas Ć lui-mĆŖme ou Ć d'autres objets, ce qui est utile pour les objets sur une cheminĆ©e peinte ou les livres sur une Ć©tagĆØre peinte. La plupart des peintures Ć base d'eau utilisĆ©es par Bob Kunst Painting sont 100 % acryliques, qui sont de la plus haute qualitĆ© disponible. Les peintures Ć lāhuile prĆ©sentent des avantages et des inconvĆ©nients. Leurs qualitĆ©s rĆ©demptrices incluent un aspect lisse supĆ©rieur, une bonne rĆ©sistance Ć lāhumiditĆ©, ainsi quāune duretĆ© et une durabilitĆ©. Malheureusement, en raison du processus de durcissement, les peintures Ć base dāhuile ont tendance Ć devenir trĆØs cassantes Ć mesure quāelles vieillissent, ce qui entraĆ®ne des fissures, un Ć©caillage et finalement une dĆ©faillance de la peinture. Ć lāextĆ©rieur et dans les zones intĆ©rieures sujettes Ć lāhumiditĆ©, les peintures Ć lāhuile ont tendance Ć moisir, car certains de leurs ingrĆ©dients agissent comme une source de nourriture pour celle-ci. Ils contiennent Ć©galement plus de COV. (Original) Many oil-based paints have been removed from the market for architectural applications as people seek lower solvent and lower VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content in the paint formulas for environmental reasons. Todays water-based paints, also known as latex and acrylic paints (these are the ingredients that bind the paint to the surface), offer moisture resistance, mildew resistance, flexibility, color fastness, and block resistance. Block resistance means it doesnāt stick to itself or other objects, which is helpful for items on a painted mantle or books on a painted shelf. Most of the water-based paints Bob Kunst Painting uses are 100% acrylic, which are of the highest quality available. Oil-based paints have pros and cons. Their redeeming qualities include a superior smooth look, good moisture resistance, and hardness and durability. Unfortunately, because of the curing process, oil-based paints tend to become very brittle as they age, which leads to cracking, peeling, and ultimate failure of the paint. On exteriors and moisture prone areas on interiors, oil-based paints have a tendency to mildew, because some of their ingredients act as a food source for it. They are also higher VOC.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Combien coƻtera le projet ? (Original) How much will the project cost?
(Traduit par Google) Chaque projet est unique. Appelez Bob Kunst Painting pour discuter de vos besoins. Vous pourrez alors prendre rendez-vous pour rencontrer un estimateur. (Original) Each project is unique. Give Bob Kunst Painting a call to discuss your needs. At that time, you may make an appointment to meet with an estimator.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Combien coƻte un devis ? (Original) How much does an estimate cost?
(Traduit par Google) Bob Kunst Painting propose des estimations gratuites ! Tout ce que nous demandons, c'est que vous soyez lĆ pour rencontrer l'estimateur et lui expliquer ce qui est important pour vous. (Original) Bob Kunst Painting offers free estimates! All we ask is that you are there to meet with the estimator and explain what is important to you.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Quel type de prƩparation est inclus ? (Original) What sort of preparation is included?
(Traduit par Google) La variable la plus importante dans un travail de peinture est la prĆ©paration. Un bĆ¢timent qui a Ć©tĆ© correctement entretenu doit nĆ©cessiter un minimum de prĆ©paration, mais l'exposition aux intempĆ©ries, les matĆ©riaux d'origine et la fabrication antĆ©rieure affecteront la prĆ©paration requise. Une prĆ©paration SUPĆRIEURE comprend tout le nĆ©cessaire pour fournir une surface Ć©tanche pour le revĆŖtement. Toutes les surfaces Ć peindre sont rendues saines, dĆ©barrassĆ©es de tout matĆ©riau meuble, puis recouvertes d'une couche d'apprĆŖt si nĆ©cessaire. Pour Bob Kunst Painting, Inc., il ne s'agit pas d'une variable de coĆ»t, car moins cela entraĆ®nerait un travail de mauvaise qualitĆ©. (Original) The most important variable in a painting job is the preparation. A building that has been properly maintained should have a minimum of preparation, but weather exposure, original materials and previous workmanship will affect the preparation required. SUPERIOR preparation entails everything necessary to provide a tight surface for re-coating. All surfaces to be painted are rendered sound, free of all loose material, and then prime coated wherever needed. For Bob Kunst Painting, Inc., this is not a cost variable, because anything less would result in a poor job.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Quelles directives professionnelles sont suivies ? (Original) What professional guidelines are followed?
(Traduit par Google) Bob Kunst Painting est un fier membre des Painting and Decorating Contractors of America aux niveaux local et national. Tous les travaux doivent ĆŖtre effectuĆ©s conformĆ©ment aux normes PDCA. (Original) Bob Kunst Painting is a proud member of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America on both the local and national levels. All work is to be performed in accordance with PDCA standards.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Ma chambre est tapissƩe maintenant. Comment allez-vous gƩrer cela ? (Original) My room is wallpapered now. How will you handle that?
(Traduit par Google) Chez Bob Kunst Painting, nous enlĆØverons le papier peint avant de peindre. Avant de retirer le papier, nous testerons une zone pour voir comment le papier a Ć©tĆ© appliquĆ©. Si le papier peint n'a pas Ć©tĆ© appliquĆ© correctement, cela pourrait endommager les murs lors du retrait du papier. Votre contremaĆ®tre discutera avec vous dāautres options si tel est le cas. (Original) We at Bob Kunst Painting will remove wallpaper prior to painting. Before we remove the paper we will test an area to see how the paper was applied. If the wallpaper was not applied properly it may lead to damage to the walls when the paper is removed. Your job foreman will discuss with you other options if this is the case.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Comment prƩparer mes chambres pour votre visite ? (Original) How do I prepare my rooms for your visit?
(Traduit par Google) Chez Bob Kunst Painting, nous vous recommandons de retirer tous les petits objets du dessus des Ć©tagĆØres, les bibelots, les tableaux des murs, ainsi que tous les objets de valeur. Nous dĆ©placerons les objets plus gros comme les canapĆ©s et les chaises vers le centre de la piĆØce. Nous placerons du plastique et des bĆ¢ches sur tous les objets laissĆ©s au centre de la piĆØce pour une protection supplĆ©mentaire. (Original) At Bob Kunst Painting, we recommend that you remove any small items from the tops of shelves, nick-knacks, pictures from the wall, as well as any valuables. We will move the larger items like couches and chairs toward the center of the room. We will place plastic and sheets over any items left in the center of the room for extra protection.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Combien de temps durera le travail ? (Original) How long will the job take?
(Traduit par Google) Cela dĆ©pend de la taille du projet, de la pĆ©riode de lāannĆ©e, de la mĆ©tĆ©o, du calendrier, etc. Une fois que nous aurons discutĆ© plus en dĆ©tail de votre projet avec vous, une rĆ©ponse prĆ©cise vous sera fournie. Il faut environ un jour ou deux pour peindre les murs, le plafond et les boiseries dāune chambre typique. Notre suggestion typique chez Bob Kunst Painting est que vous devriez prĆ©voir de ne pas avoir accĆØs Ć la chambre pendant au moins une nuit. (Original) It depends on the size of project, time of year, weather, schedule, etc. Once we discuss your project with you in more detail, an accurate answer will be provided. It takes about a day or two to paint the walls, ceiling and trim in a typical bedroom. Our typical suggestion at Bob Kunst Painting is that you should plan on not having access to the bedroom for at least one night.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Dans quelle mesure ces travaux de peinture vont-ils perturber ma maisonĀ ? (Original) How much will this painting job disrupt my home?
(Traduit par Google) Bob Kunst Painting considĆØre la propretĆ©, le professionnalisme et le nettoyage aussi importants que la peinture elle-mĆŖme. Les perturbations sont rĆ©duites au minimum. Ć la fin de chaque journĆ©e, nos Ć©quipes nettoieront les zones dans lesquelles nous travaillons et dĆ©placeront les outils et la peinture vers une zone d'atelier (gĆ©nĆ©ralement le garage, le sous-sol ou une piĆØce vide). (Original) Bob Kunst Painting considers neatness, professionalism and clean-up as important as the painting itself. Disruption is kept to a minimum. At the end of each day, our crews will clean the areas we are working in and move tools and paint to a shop area (typically the garage, basement, or empty room).
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Q: (Traduit par Google) Quelle marque de peinture utilisez-vous ? (Original) What brand of paint do you use?
(Traduit par Google) Bob Kunst Painting est heureux de travailler avec nāimporte quel fabricant de peinture de votre choix. Nous entretenons une relation de longue date avec Benjamin Moore, Kelley Moore, Sherwin Williams et Dunn Edwards et utilisons leurs produits de haute qualitĆ©. Si vous prĆ©fĆ©rez une autre marque, nous serons heureux de vous accommoder ā parlez-en avec votre estimateur. (Original) Bob Kunst Painting is happy to work with any paint manufacturer of your choice. We have a long-standing relationship with Benjamin Moore, Kelley Moore, Sherwin Williams, and Dunn Edwards and use their high-quality products. If you prefer another brand, we are happy to accommodate you ā talk with your estimator.
S Social Jack - 4 years ago
Reviews for Kunst Painting
37 Reviews
Leah Willett
We hired Kunst to paint several rooms in our house, including a tall stairwell that is difficult to access. They were prompt and friendly, and we knew what to expect every day of the job. We were especially concerned about protecting wall to wall wool carpeting, and there was no damage at all. They prepped carefully. The paint job came out perfectly, with a few different colors, with crisp lines on our orange peel walls. They used the brand of paint we preferred. It wasn't cheap, but worth every cent given the professional result. Will definitely use them again!
Clark Stanton
I was very pleased with my experience with Kunst. First, they were able to squeeze me into their schedule before the first atmospheric bomb hit, and then they were easy to work with and did very good work. I definitely do recommend them.
Sandy Hendsch
Kunst's painting crew did an outstanding job painting the downstairs walls, baseboards and bookcase of my home. The crew was professional, courteous and respectful. They were always willing to answer my questions or concerns. The job was completed quickly without any hassles and all of my furniture and rugs were carefully put back in place. A job definitely well done!
Beth Juri
The two painters you sent to do the job were outstanding. Very careful and covered everything. No paint marks any where. They were very nice also.
Ottmar Stubler
Kunst Painting did another amazing job for us. Great staff, very detailed orientated and a good value.
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Kunst Painting
Business and Investment
Contact information
Phone(415) 457-0100
Address 112 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael, California, USA 94903